With Christmas vibes creeping in, we’re here to sprinkle a bit of sunshine your way. Guess what? We’re gearing up for the Belmont and Carey Youth Camp 2024 on the fab Isle of Wight, rocking from August 17th to 24th! Now, we don’t want your kiddos to miss out on the adventure, and we certainly don’t want you to miss the cool discount vibes. So, drumroll, please… Get in on the action NOW! 💃 Save a cool £25 per camper by tossing in their application form and deposit before January 1st, 2024.

Are you still not sure, here are some of our Highlights from Camp 2023:

1. Wide Game
– Charis cleverly distracts in a pitch-black field, allowing a successful break for many others.
– Keon, Dylan, Bradley & Ebony sprint in swiftly, outpacing staff, achieving a win for the 14+ group.
– Sadie’s deception outclasses James, securing the 10th successful runner.

2. Morning Service & Quiz:
– Hazel and Tim led services on the importance of groups, friendship, and family.
– Engaging quiz on collective nouns for animals.

3. Sports Highlights:
– Reggie earns Player of the Match in a spirited football game.
– Super Squad Sports was won by the Falcon.

4. Age Group Activities:
– Juniors enjoy cinema and popcorn; Seniors excel at bowling.
– +14 group explores a VR experience, engages in game shows.

5. Programme Adventures:
– Seniors encounter Wo Snite in the woods, engaging in creative challenges.
– Juniors venture to the beach for Pokemon-themed games and hatching eggs.

6. Intersquad Competition:
– Squad C (Captain Marvel) wins the overall intersquad competition.

7. Beach Excursion and Messy Church:
– Enjoyable trip to the beach with sun, sea, and ice cream.
– Messy Church involves creating superheroes with superpowers .

8. Camp Champs;
– Squads earn points through various activities; Black Panther wins Super Squad award.

9. Creative Camp Games:
– Juniors excel in a riddle-solving game; bonus points for creativity.
– Seniors undertake an Aladdin-themed challenge with successful wishes.
– 14+ group embarks on a “Stranger Things” adventure in the woods.

Come and join us next year for more exciting days with many surprises!

Have a fabulous Christmas!!!