It’s the final morning as we type this, what a week it has been. We will post a reflection tomorrow.

Seniors went to a bouldering and rock climbing centre yesterday where they were tasked of trying to climb the most difficult climbs
All the children managed to climb the bouldering walls with special mentions to Albert, Paige and Naariah for managing the difficult climbs
When faced with the climbing walls at least they all got over halfway with big mentions to Callum, Sophia, Isla and Shay for facing it head on!
All the seniors enjoyed their time (and the staff) and we are proud of all of their efforts today!

As the end of camp approaches, the Juniors enjoyed their final full day at Norfolk’s exciting Bewilderwood, a treetop-style adventure site with ample climbing activities, a maze, a boat ride, and lots more. Half of the Juniors partook in the face-painting (and half of the staff too!), so we ended up eating our packed lunches looking like a happy herd of multicoloured dragons. Hours of climbing, running, playing, and crafts later, we ended the experience walking through the gift shop, resulting in multiple teddies and lollies joining us on the minibus. Now to enjoy a lovely dinner before the best and biggest evening of the week – the Camp Cabaret! We will share the Cabaret review shortly (on the coach home).