We started yesterday with a morning service led by Hazel, who discussed the importance of groups, friendship and family. We had a great quiz within the service about the collective names of animals – the kids did well, how would you fare?

Can you name the collective nouns for these animals:


(Answers tomorrow)

The sun was out, so that resulted in a spirited football match. Player of the match was Reggie, picking up a brace in the 3 nil win. Super Murray was in goal, helping keep a clean screen. We have been blessed with beautiful sunshine.

Super Squad is heating up, with the Falcon now holding the award!!

The Juniors were given popcorn in the afternoon as they went to the cinema, whilst the Seniors went bowling; the winners were….Liv Callum Shay and Reggie

The +14 went to a VR experience, which they loved!! In the evening the 14+ took on a number of gameshows with a twist – one highlight was Emily’s catch (and trip) when taking on the taskmaster. The winning team was

Seniors last night went to the woods and caught up with Wo Snite, they had to bob for poisonous apples and unscramble the Disney films before going off into the wood to try and catch the opposite teams Wo Snite and her Devon Swarfs with the overall winning team being Team White

Today is another sunny day, so Hunt the Officer should be brilliant (as always).